Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Craziest Day Ever (Hospital stay day 4, ICU day 1)

Jagger did pretty well this weekend, and I was really pushing to go home yesterday but they wanted to keep him one more night to make sure he did OK with his feeds and was hydrated enough.
However, Jagger woke up this morning crying and has been in pain all day. Since he lost the IV they started in the ER on Friday, they had to try to put another IV in. Our nurse tried a couple of times and could not get it, so she call the flight team. They are the life support helicopter pilot and they do IV in the field in critical patients so they are very skill at it. Unfortunately, they could not get an IV going on Jagger either.
So Dr. S. (our GI Dr) decided to give him some morphine thru his G tube since he has been crying all day, but that did not calm him down at all. they also decided to stop Reglan ( his med for delay gastric emptying) since he was starting to show some side effects. to counter those, they gave him Benadryl and that put him to sleep for about 20 minutes.
I had to go home to make a few calls and posponed my business trip for this week, and things went donwhill fast while I was gone.
Jagger was still not calming down and getting very dehydrated so they really had to get an IV in him. they call the PICU team (that have a sonogram machine) but they were still struggling and could not get the IV going.
they did find a good vein in his neck and tried that, but it did not work. That however put Jagger over the top and he was so upset and exhausted from crying the entire day that he was having trouble breathing and went into respiratory failure. They had to intube it him right there in the room (no time to go to PICU).

When I got Annett texts I came right back to the hospital right away and never drove that fast my entire life (less than 10 minutes for a 20 minutes trip).
By time I got here he was intubated and ready for transport to the PICU and under heavy sedation.
It took a while to get everything set up in ICU but he was out of danger for now. They also decided to do a femoral central line so they will have a good IV access, since he was sedated he hopefully did not feel any pain at that point.
So now we standing here in the PICU looking at our son on a ventilator and he almost died, while the plan was to go home today.
It is crazy how life can take a turn for the worst so fast.
They are starting him on a lot of different meds and we will talk to the doctors in the morning to see the plan of action.

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