Monday, August 20, 2012

10 loads and counting

It is 2 am and I am still doing laundry. I have done over 10 loads in the last two days. Probably close to 15. It just never seems to end. Between our laundry, the sheets full of pee and/or vomit and Jagger's clothes which have to be changed several times a day, doing laundry is a never ending task. Of course since Jaggy is being held and cuddled 24/7 we usually end up with a fair share of his bodily fluids all over us. We are pretty used to this by now and are pretty much prepared for anything except for the latest situation. Antibiotics are causing jagger to have major diarrhea. However he doesn't poop on his own so yesterday we decided to give glycerine and despite several minutes of trying we used the vest to speed things along. Oh boy. What a mess. There was poop everywhere. Spilling out of the diaper. Both Sebastien and I stood there for a minute trying to figure out what to do. I know this is disgusting but it is our life. So Jaggy was literally swimming in poop. Of course I didn't think of using the disposal pads I took from the hospital so instead used every towel I could get my hands on. Big mistake because I was then stuck cleaning all the mess until 2 am Sunday morning. We somehow managed to wipe him clean but not without him protesting the entire time.
Anyway so the entire time cleaning up and doing the mountain of laundry slightly resembling mount Kilimanjaro at this point, I kept thinking of how lucky we are living in a place where we have running water, indoor plumbing and a washer and dryer in our house. During my travels to Africa, I have seen and met many women walking hours to the nearest river to wash their families clothes or stand in line forever at the local well to fill some jugs of water and then skillfully balancing them on their head while walking home. ( side note: I have also tried balancing/ carrying stuff on my head and have to say, it is harder than it looks but very practical and much less painful on your back. Maybe when Jaggy gets to heavy we can try that. Lol)
So the message of this post really can be summarized with this song: "Always look on the bright side of life....."

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