Thursday, June 13, 2013

2013 UMDF Symposium, I am on my way!

It is that time of year again, Symposium time.
This year it is in Newport Beach, California, so it is not the best location for all of us East Coast Mito families but it is a rotation, so it is fair to everyone. Next year will be a lot closer since it is in Pittsburgh!

Last year in DC was great, I truly learned a lot and met some many great families that understand what we dealing with on a daily basis.
In the last year, I became a lot more involved with the UMDF and I know have a lot more about Mito and how to care for Jagger, so I am not sure what I will get from the symposium this year, but I am confident I will come home with new knowledge that will help Jagger.
I am also looking forward to see some of the Mito families I met in DC last year, it is the one yearly opportunity for families to meet.
When you have a Mito child, you really don’t have a lot of time to go out or travel at all.
I really wish that one day Annett will be able to join me, but for that to happen, the symposium will have to be in Atlanta, so maybe I will talk to the UMDF about that!

I will try to live tweet and Facebook as much of the symposium as I can, and as last year, I will be posting my notes and audio files of the presentation I will be attending on the blog (but it will take me a few weeks for sure, since we are so buys right now).
If you are on twitter, my handle is french_sebo and the hashtag that will be used by everyone there to post about the symposium is #UMDFsymp
You can search by hashtag and find all the post related to the symposium